Discover Ireland
Teacher page














































Teacher page


This webquest was developed as part of an on-line course in Webquests organised by the Departament d'Educació.

Many thanks to Bernie Dodge for developing the webquest medium and also to Sebastià Capella for his knowledgeable guidance while working in this project.



Teacher Guide

AREA: English

STAGE: 3rd and 4th ESO students

TITLE OF THE WEBQUEST: Discover Ireland Trip to London


­To create a Project-Work based on the search of some specific information on the Internet.

­To select and process information from the net.

­To develop students’ thinking skills.

­To encourage students to work through cooperative groups.

­To promote the use of new technologies into the language class.




-Writing a project-work to be presented to the classmates.

-Presenting orally all the information gathered.

-Learning some cultural, social and economical aspects of Ireland.



- Integrating the four skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing).

- Searching, analysing and comparing different pieces of information.

- Identifying and selecting the most useful information.

- Organising different pieces of information in order to create a coherent whole.

- Designing of a Power-point presentation.

- Taking part in an oral presentation of their work.



-Showing a positive attitude towards learning English.

-Showing a positive attitude towards working in groups.

-Showing creativity both in written and oral communication activities.


ASSESSMENT:  Students will be assessed according to a rubric which will be given to them at the beginning of their project.

TIME: This activity will last three or four sessions, depending on the number of students in class. During the first and second day, students will be divided in groups of three or four people and they will be explained what to do. Then they will start their research on the net. On the third or fourth day they will present orally their work.

RESOURCES: In order to do this activity students must have access to the Internet, Word and Power Point programs.